Welcome to the AAHS Class Reunion Blog

Visit us here for updated information on the upcoming 50th Reunion Celebration in the planning stages for the summer of 2018.

15 thoughts on “Welcome to the AAHS Class Reunion Blog”

  1. August, 2017

    Thank you for the 1968 AAHS class list. I offer my highest compliments to those who compiled it — very well done. As I have a curiously strong memory for names, I can think of three that do not appear on your list: Jane (jay-vee-et-KOW-ski — began with a Dz but can’t spell it — may be in the 1968 yearbook — Government classmate); James L.? Goodsell (neighbor and friend); Nancy Heroux — exchange student from Normandy, France, who lived with class member, Erika Fox. Again, thank you for all your Class of 1968 efforts, as I would be pleased to be in-touch with any of our classmates. Roy R. McKenna — [email protected]

    1. Thanks Roy. You are the first person to add a comment! We will take your thoughts and do some research. We don’t want anyone to be omitted.

      1. Thank you for your response. Also, you have “Patricia Bucald” on the list. The name should be “Patricia Bucalo,” as she lived across the street from me back in the day. Best wishes, Roy R. McKenna — [email protected]

  2. I believe Jane’s last name was spelled “Dziewiatkowski”, but Roy’s phonetic spelling is correct. She married Sam Damren, who you have on the missing list, but you have his last name misspelled as Dameron. Also, I didn’t see John Kainlauri on the list. Last I knew, he was living in San Francisco, but that was years ago, he may have moved since.

  3. Maybe Tigger Benford, Terry Brown, Al Jacquez and Jeff Jones would play some songs for the 50th reunion if they still play. ‘Cherish’ was our class song for the Senior Prom. I would like to know when and where the class reunion will be in 2018. Thank you to all putting it together.

    1. Cathy,

      I just noticed that you are on the list of missing classmates. May be a good idea to confirm your contact information with one of the admins.

      Terry Basom

    2. No Cherish!
      Jeff Jones, Al Jacquez, Robert “Tigger” Benford with Mark Gougeon, Mark Tomorsky and Jim King will be playing the first set as The Hideaways. Then we will add John Jarvis on Rhythm Guitar, and Jon Bassill, Jon Martin and Scott Lowe will play as a band. Dave Morgan will sit in on drums. Any of the Fugitives, Our Mother’s Children, and any other bands are welcome to sit in on set 2 and 3. We plan to be done playing by 10pm or so. Rehearsing all this week. It will be awesome, very toneful and beautiful sounding, while controlling the volume. We hope Tony G will be there to spin in between, we have the PA and everything covered. Jean Holland has been amazing in putting this all together. Don Koeble was coming but suffered a severe injury and will not be able to jam with us. (Dunning Maze was Jeff Jones, Al Jacquez, Don Koeble, Jon Martin and …..Keys was…argh…I forget, have to ask Al…:)
      Friday night should be really awesome and fun, we’re bringing our families too! CU there!

      1. So looking forward to all tis coming weekend’s reunion events. Thanks to all who are organizing and participating!

  4. Hope to see some of my football teammates like Fred Zrmak and other friends.
    It has been a long time since i have been back to A2. Moved to Alabama where I went to school and got Masters at UA B’ham in Hospital Administration and move to Pasadena in 1982 with large hospital company. Moved to the beach in Orange County 5 yrs ago. Look forward to visiting with all.
    Bob Zasa, Dana Point, Ca.

  5. Thank you for all your efforts! I think it would be nice to have a moment of silence during the reunion, for all of our dear classmates who are no longer with us.

  6. Are you posting any comments about the reunion for The Who we’re not able to attend? Ant photos or CD’s to purchase?

    1. Hi Barb,
      We are sorting through all the media and the good news is yes we will have much to share. The videographer is going to be uploading to YouTube and I will post the links here. There are 4 1/2 hours of video for him to wade through. I will try to get the ball started with a couple of short videos that I took during practice.

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